The ezebag pouch (a dispenser for dog waste bags) was originally designed for use by councils as an inexpensive way for them to promote responsible dog ownership.
It has proved so popular with dog walkers, that we have decided to add it to our range of retail products. The unit takes one roll of ezebags (13 bags) and is able to be attached to any standard dog lead. The bags are produced from 0.015mm HDPE (see 'Us and the Environment' page).
The ezebag pouch is very easy to use, and has several advantages over conventional dispensers. It is light, robust, inconspicuous and, most importantly, does not rattle annoyingly on the lead. It is also able to be branded with Council logo, and has a low unit cost.
You can get a free pouch with every bulk purchase of bags via our website store. Or, you can find one in the Pet Accessories aisle of any Countdown supermarket, nationwide under the
SPCA brand.